The Beauty of Adoration

At the beginning of the year, one the priests at our parish gave recommendations for New Year’s resolutions. Of course, they were all faith-based. One stood out and my husband and I decided to do it. Our priest suggested going to adoration weekly, however many times you’d like throughout the week, and to sit andContinue reading “The Beauty of Adoration”

Do Not Be Afraid

366 times God tells us in the Bible, “Do not be afraid.” 366 times. That’s pretty much a daily reminder from our Lord to not fear. In the Gospel, we read about the storm that the disciples get stuck in at sea. They’re terrified, yet Jesus sleeps through the entire thing. When the disciples wakeContinue reading “Do Not Be Afraid”

How a Prayer Corner Can Help Your Prayer Life

A view of my favorite space in our home – my prayer corner. Prayer is sacred. It’s a time to disconnect from the world and spend time with our Lord. It’s a time to forget about your never-ending to-do list and have a chat with Jesus. It’s a time to express your joys, stresses, frustrations,Continue reading “How a Prayer Corner Can Help Your Prayer Life”

Serve and Surrender

Serve and surrender. This year I want to serve God with all my heart and surrender my will to the will of the Father. “As each has a received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10A constant prayer on my heart is to serve GodContinue reading “Serve and Surrender”

Find the Extraordinary in the Ordinary

Find the extraordinary in the ordinary. As we now enter ordinary time in the liturgical year, I wanted to share some thoughts. The Catholic Church is filled with beauty and tradition around every corner and it’s one of the incredible blessings that comes with being Catholic. Advent, Lent and Easter are such rich spiritual times,Continue reading “Find the Extraordinary in the Ordinary”

A Moment of Peace Amid Chaos

One of my favorite parts of our wedding was our blind first look where we prayed with each other before the ceremony. In this moment it was as if all the craziness of the day stood still and it was just my soon-to-be husband and I and I felt complete peace. Leading up to theContinue reading “A Moment of Peace Amid Chaos”

The Beauty of Prayer

Is there anything more beautiful than prayer? I love to pray. Who doesn’t? It’s in prayer that we’re able to talk to God. We’re able to express our hearts to him. Whenever I’m struggling, nervous, doubting, excited, grateful, literally insert any emotion here, I run to our Lord in prayer to express to him whateverContinue reading “The Beauty of Prayer”

Honoring Jesus through Mary this New Year

“We never give more honor to Jesus than when we honor his Mother, and we honor her simply and solely to honor him all the more perfectly. We go to her only as a way leading to the goal we seek – Jesus, her son.” St. Louis de Montfort Is there a better way toContinue reading “Honoring Jesus through Mary this New Year”

Have You Ever Wanted to Hangout with Jesus?

Have you ever wanted to hangout with Jesus? Hangout with him as if you were best friends? I recently had this realization that Jesus was human. Now stick with me here. Of course, I know he was human but sometimes I think we see Jesus more in his divine nature than his human nature. ItContinue reading “Have You Ever Wanted to Hangout with Jesus?”

Patience is Key

Patience. How many times do you hear someone tell you “Patience is a virtue” when you’re desperately waiting for something? How many times do we lack patience and want everything done then and now? Patience is, in my opinion, one of the hardest traits to fully live out. It’s human nature to want everything rightContinue reading “Patience is Key”