Honoring the Holy Family in Our Own Families

February is the month the Catholic Church dedicates to the Holy Family. This is because on February 2nd we celebrate the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Ever since getting married, I’ve had this desire on my heart to strive to imitate the Holy Family in my own home with my husband. I don’tContinue reading “Honoring the Holy Family in Our Own Families”

The Beauty in Being a Woman

As a teenager I would constantly say that being a woman sucked. I was always complaining about having a period, that men could just roll out of bed and look fine whereas we have to get ready, we’re expected to be practically hairless on our body and be super thin in order to fit inContinue reading “The Beauty in Being a Woman”

Finding Joy in the Anticipation

Recently I was talking with a priest who shared his Advent message with me. He said how as Catholics we don’t just have the joy of celebrating Christmas Day, but instead, we have a whole season of joy leading up to Christmas. He explained how there’s so much joy in the anticipation of that specialContinue reading “Finding Joy in the Anticipation”

God Hears Your Prayers

Recently I had one of those days where I couldn’t help but think, ‘Gosh, God really hears our prayers.’ Back in 2016 I did my first bible study. I was in college and it was when I was starting to grow more in my faith. I found a bible study on the The Bible Timeline:Continue reading “God Hears Your Prayers”

The Grace of the Holy Spirit in Marriage

“I wanted to get you these flowers because I thought they were as beautiful as you.” Those were the words my husband told me when he brought me these flowers yesterday. And let me tell you, the tears were streaming. Little did my husband know that I was having a really tough day that day.Continue reading “The Grace of the Holy Spirit in Marriage”

A Reflection on St. Bernadette

“I shall spend every moment loving. One who loves does not notice her trials; or perhaps more accurately, she is able to love them. I shall do everything for Heaven, my true home. There I shall find my Mother in all the splendor of her glory. I shall delight with her in the joy ofContinue reading “A Reflection on St. Bernadette”

Defending Our Faith with Kindness

Catholics out there, do you have a hard time seeing others talk poorly about Mary, the saints, our beliefs and teachings? I know I do. Many of us will try to defend our beliefs and explain why we believe certain things and yet, most of the time, we still leave the conversation misunderstood. It’s reallyContinue reading “Defending Our Faith with Kindness”

The Beauty in Being a Wife

In one of her many letters written to her husband, St. Gianna Molla wrote “You are the man I had wished for, but I often ask myself, ‘Will I be worthy of him?’ Yes, worthy of you, because I want so much to make you happy, but I fear not being able to do so.Continue reading “The Beauty in Being a Wife”

Honoring the Virgin Mary

May is the month of Mary. And as we approach the end of the month, I wanted to reflect on our Blessed Mother. As Jesus hung from the cross, he told John, the beloved disciple, “Behold, your mother!” In that moment, Mary became a mother to us all. As Catholics, we often get called MaryContinue reading “Honoring the Virgin Mary”

Bible Verses on Prayer

I can’t even begin to put into words just how important prayer is. Prayer is the foundation of building a personal relationship with God. Through prayer, we express our joys, struggles, hopes, fears and every emotion in between to the Lord. Through prayer, we thank God for his many blessings. Through prayer, we get toContinue reading “Bible Verses on Prayer”